
or l'art du déplacement/Le parkour (in English “the art of moving”) is an urban sport where you have to get from A to B in the fastest, and most efficiently way as possible, as if you where in an dangerous situation. When a man or woman is doing parkour they are often jumping over an obstacle while adding a specific movement. The meaning with parkour is to use only your body and the environment to move around.

         People like Sébastien Foucan, who are one of the founders of parkour, can do most tricks and movements. While people that just have started, have to be careful when they start to learn, but there are many websites and places to learn the parkour sport, or as Sebastien Foucan say, “It’s not a sport, it’s an art”.
As a small kid I always enjoyed to climb in trees, because it gave me a great challenge. The same does parkour. When I am training I feel freedom. I can run and jump over fences or stones with my own style, and I don’t feel that I have to impress someone (and that is a good feeling).


Before world war one, a French officer Georges Hèbert, traveled around the world. On a trip in Africa he was amazed by the tribes.
Their bodies were splendid, flexible, nimble, skilful, enduring, and resistant but yet they had no other tutor in gymnastics but their lives in nature.”
-Georges Hébert

May 2nd, 1902, in the town Saint-Pierre, when he was in town, the city suffered from a dreadful volcano eruption. Herbert rescued more than 700 civilian people and many tribes. This mission had a huge effect on him, his faith in that athletic skill has to be combined with courage and altruism was growing.
On the way back on a ship, he was developing a systematize method of physical culture training of what he had experienced in Africa and in the other places he had been. When he finely got back to Paris, he became a physical education tutor at the college in Reims. There he began to teach his “Natural method”, but the method wasn’t only developed by inspiration from the African tribes, he was inspired by classical representations of the human body in Graeco-Roman and the Greek gymnastics.
He wrote in one of his books:
The final goal of physical education is to make strong beings. In the purely physical sense, the Natural Method promotes the qualities of organic resistance, muscularity and speed, towards being able to walk, run, jump, move quadrupedally, to climb, to keep balance, to throw, lift, defend yourself and to swim.
In the "virile" or energetic sense, the system consists in having sufficient energy, willpower, courage, coolness, and fermeté ("firmness"). In the moral sense, education, by elevating the emotions, directs or maintains the moral fibre in a useful and beneficial way.”

His Natural method was growing across the country, and it soon got the standard system of the French military. It got influence to the German “Gymnastic movement” and other different sports as the Anglo-Saxon sport .

The Belle family

Raymond Belle

Early in October, 1939, was the French soldier and fire-fighter borne in Vietnam. As a child, he lost his mother and father during the Vietnam War. The French army took care of him, and he received a military education as well as lot of training.
As the war was over, he was sent back to France, and because of his military education and training, he became a military fire-fighter, and as a champion in rope – climbing, he joined the regiment’s elite team. The team was composted by the best shaped and fittest fire-fighters, and they where sent out on the most dangerous and difficult rescue missions.
You may wonder why this man with spirit of self-sacrifice is mentioned, but I can only tell you that he was the father of David Belle (who is one of the founders of parkour).

David Belle

David Belle was borne April 29th
1773 in Fècamp in France, and is now 36 years old with no children.
After 14 years in Fècamp he moved to Les Sables d'Olonne and began to show his taste of action and fast movements, and after a while with hard training, he was being an excellent athletic. His interests for other sports increased, like the interest of martial arts.
He went out of school as 15 and began his national service, and there he got the gymnastic leadership. As he got the leadership he made friends with some teenagers, who later became Yamakasi with the members: Yann Hnautra, Frédéric Hnautra, David Balgogne, Sébastien Foucan and Kazuma.
Finished with his national services he jobs like a security guard and furniture salesman, but the most important job he got was being an actor, and stuntman. Between these jobs, he flew to India and got a black belt in Kung Fu.
In his actor career, he has been in many movies (I won’t say all of them, but some of the most important movies) as:
• Divine Intervention in 2002. Drama, Romance, War, Comedy.
• District 13 in 2004, as Leito. Action, Crime, Sci – Fi.
• District 13: Ultimatum in 2009, as Leito. Action, Sci – Fi.
He has been Co – stunt coordinator in movies like:
Babylon A.D, in 2008
• Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time who is now being filming.

Sèbastien Foucan

You may remember him in one of the first scenes in James Bond, Casino Royal, but his real identity - as you can see on BBC in a documentary named Jump Britain ¬-¬ is a kind man with a lot sense of humor.
Sèbastien Foucan was born May 24th
1974 in Paris, and is working as an actor but is most known for being the ambassador of parkour and his philosophical thoughts behind parkour.
In his early days he and David Belle where going to Lisses, south of Paris, and began to develop the sport. He said, “The whole town was there for us; there for parkour. You just have to look, you just have to think, like children. This is the vision of parkour.”
Later they made Yamakasi witch means, strong spirit, strong body, strong man and endurance.
After this he got many other jobs, like an actor/stuntman in James Bond Casino Royal, witch I’ve already told about, Madonna’s music video Jump, and accompanied Madonna on her Confessions Tour in 2006.

The misunderstanding

If you have heard of freerunning, you probably ask yourself what’s the difference. If you haven’t, it is much more like having fun and not try to get over obstacles as quickly as possible, but maybe ad some front and back flips.
Here you will get a good explanation by David Belle and the PAWA team:

Understand that this art has been created by few soldiers in Vietnam to escape or reach: and this is the spirit we'd like parkour to keep. You have to make the difference between what is useful and what is not in emergency situations. Then you'll know what is parkour and what is not. So if you do acrobatics things on the street with no other goal than showing off, please don't say its parkour. Acrobatics existed long time ago before parkour.”
—David Belle and PAWA.

The question was getting to the Yamakasi and they answered, but they denied the differences: "Parkour, l'art du deplacement, freerunning, the art of movement... they are all the same thing. They are all movement and they all came from the same place, the same nine guys originally. The only thing that differs is each individual's way of moving".


In parkour there are no list of the movements or similar things, because when you approach any obstacle you will have a different speed every time, difference angle, difference heights on the obstacle, and it will never look the same. So to get over these obstacles you have to find the most efficient way to get over/past it. If you take for example Ju-Jitsu, you will always see the trainers and the instructors meet and discuss new techniques and better way to do things. The same happens here, you will find new ways to get past new terrain and learn how to use them efficient. Absorption and redistribution of energy is also something that is really important so you don’t break any legs. Because of difference people, some are thick some are thin, techniques must be done difference.
David Belle said this: “When you are going from A to B with an efficient movement, you also have to get from B to A, but you don’t have to use the same movement, you have to use a new and efficient move to get back”.
Because of this, it is made some basic movement for those beginners. The most important techniques if we don’t think about the basics, is pushing and pulling, because in every movement you will push and pull. When you jump, you are pushing your feet of the ground, and when you land you pull/absorb the impact.

Parkour becomes a worldwide sport

In 2005 Mark Tootock founded the leading world organization American parkour, he also founded The Tribe, a parkour performance team in the highest grade, but the thing that makes this team and this organization so spectacular is there willing to help others, to train them, and to perform in theaters and movies.
Now, after 5 years, it is over 65,000 registered on their web side (me included), and with over 100,000 visitors per month, and on Facebook there is 15,323 fans, and it is still increasing.
-So what is making parkour so popular?
• There are many reasons for parkour’s populations; the first reason is that everything that comes up in Europe gets pretty popular as long as it is spectacular and cool.
• The second reason is just that you don’t need a bike, you don’t need to buy role skates or a skateboard, you just need to use you’re own body to get around and over obstacles.
• Now the third and biggest reason, internet, but for many years ago there wasn’t easy to find or even spell “parkour”. But that was then. After friends told friends who told friends(who told friends)about the sport and how to spell it, it have been thousands of new youtube videos, and new web sites like Parkour Generations, Urban Freeflow and American Parkour who spread out the message, "parkour have entered the stage".

Reaching new people

After the James Bond Movie Casino Royal (2006), the military got interesting in using Parkour in they’re training. Now the Colerado Parkour team has started to train U.S. Military and parkour is slowly being introduced to other countries, people and firms in the world.
Also new peoples have got inspiration from American Parkour and made there own websites, like us.

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